The Mama Misitu Campaign delivered comprehensive training program on Investigative Journalism on forestry to journalists in Southern Tanzania. This training was conducted at Lindi Municipality from 06th to 11th July as part of capacity building to the journalists to investigate and report various problems and best practices facing the forestry sector in Southern Tanzania This innovative training gathered participants from Ruvuma, Mtwara and Lindi regions. A total of 17 journalists were trained from different media platforms including IPP, Clouds, Mwananchi, Radio Maria, Business Times and other local radio such as Pride FM and Ruangwa FM.
Gwamaka Mwakyanjala: MMC Manager
Video clip by: Fatuma Maumba
In order to improve journalist’s skills to report on forestry issues, the program offers field-learning experience to journalists to visit forests adjacent communities in their districts to undertake detailed investigations and write well-researched articles under the mentorship of skilled media experts and the Mama Misitu.
The campaign expects that, trained journalists will develop interest to writing well-researched features and documentaries during and after the Mama Misitu implementation. Articles, documentaries and news spot produced by journalists will generate public debate on the need for improved forestry sector governance in Tanzania.
Joyce Jolinga: Ruvuma - – Mwananchi newspaper
Video clip by: Fatuma Maumba
Personally I was not aware of all these forest issues. I used to write forest stories as other stories, but I’ve had this opportunity to learn more about forest issues especially legal procedures, laws and regulations that guide these unique resources.
Many communities use forests unsustainably, they don’t understand that, they can benefit more. Therefore, through my writing, i will be a good ambassador of these resources by educating my communities and readers on how best they can use these resources sustainably.
Christopher Lilai; Nachingwea – Mwananchi newspaper
Video clip by: Fatuma Maumba
I have been able to know current issues affecting forest sector including limited understanding of legal procedures of utilizing these resources.
As a writer, this training will help me to improve my writing especially on legal matters that will generate dialogue to my readers and hence responsible authorities for more accountable measures.
Juma Mweru: Ruangwa FM
Video clip by: Fatuma Maumba
I’m so thankful to Mama Misitu Campaign for this training. We ask other stakeholders to share this kind of training so as to improve our writing skills especially on pertinent issues forest and natural resources in general.
A writer being a bridge between communities and development partners such as the Government and NGOs, I will effectively use acquired knowledge and skills to advocate good forest governance.