Public Consultation on National Forest Stewardship Standard (NFSS) for mainland Tanzania
Tanzania is in the process of developing National Forest Stewardship Standards (NFSS) based on the Forest Stewardship Council’s (FSC) certification system. An application to develop national forest stewardship standards for Tanzania was submitted by the Standards Development Group (SGD) to FSC International and was approved in 2015. Through collaboration and support from World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Tanzania Country Office, as well as technical and financial support from the FSC Sub-regional Office for East Africa, the SDG completed the first draft of the NFSS in May 2016.
During the month of June 2016, the standards were tested in the field - in both plantations and native forests in Iringa and Kilwa, respectively. A third draft has as a result been completed and is ready for stakeholders’ consultation.
The public consultation process for the NFSS will run for a duration of 60 days: between August 15th and October 15th, 2016. The SDG is requesting the public and all affiliated stakeholders to review the NFSS and evaluate its applicability and impacts in contributing to sustainable and responsible forest management. This is to be done by way of providing comments, insights and inputs which will be taken into consideration in the development of the final National FSC standards and be applicable nationwide.
For more information, further clarification or to receive a copy of the NFSS; Please contact: Isaac Malugu ; or visit;;;;;;