The nine CSOs implementing REDD+ pilot projects in Tanzania - African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), CARE Tanzania, Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) , Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative (MCDI), Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG) and Community Forest Conservation Network of Tanzania (MJUMITA), Tanzania Traditional Energy Development and Environment Organization (TaTEDO), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania (WCST) - have joined together for a third straight year to share key messages on REDD+ to the Parties of the UNFCCC for COP 18. Their messages are not only directed to a global audience, but they are also intended to be heard by decision makers closer to home.
(Download the PDFs: Equitable Benefit Sharing: Emerging lessons from REDD+ in Tanzania and Equitable Benefit Sharing: Exploring Experiences and Lessons for REDD+ in Tanzania)
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