Channel: Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF)
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This launching workshop is organised by TALA and TNRF.


The International Land Coalition (ILC) Africa brings together its members and partners to launch the national engagement strategy (NES) for Tanzania. In addressing its mission in Africa, International Land Coalition (ILC) supports National Engagement Strategy (NES) in 10 Countries in Africa including Tanzania and aims to address strategic objectives: “Connect, Mobilize and Influence”.

A NES is a strategy that aims to promote people centered land governance (PCLG), bringing about transformation in land governance at country level. The NES approach is to work towards two main outcomes:

  • The setting-up of a multi-stakeholder platform on land governance for policy dialogue and knowledge sharing; and
  • A country strategy for engagement on land governance developed and agreed upon by all actors involved.

The NES Tanzania is at an early stage of implementation developed through a series of inception workshops held in Dar es Salaam between 01st and 10th March 2016. Members and partners involved in the development of the NES including these inception workshops include representatives from government, global members, donors, ILC national members and CSOs. In addition, a scoping study and review of the current land governance context was produced, and used as input into the NES development.

The NES Tanzania has three key components:

Component 1: Coordination, communication and advocacy and policy dialogue, implemented by Tanzania Land Alliance (TALA);

Component 2: Land-based Investments Component coordinated by Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF)

Component 3: Rangelands Component coordinated by International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MALF) and PAICODEO (Parakuyo Indigenous Community Development Organisation). This component incorporates the Sustainable Rangelands Management Project – a flagship initiative of the ILC now in its third phase.

As part of this arrangement two working groups have been established – one for the Land-based Investments Component coordinated by TNRF, and one for the Rangelands component coordinated by PAICODEO and HELP Foundation (contact organisation being PAICODEO).

The NES implementation is financially and technically supported by IFAD, Irish Aid, ILC, ILRI and the Government of Tanzania

through the programme “Fostering Gender Equitable Land Governance for Inclusive Agricultural Development Including Pastoralism in Tanzania”.

Objectives of the NES Launch

  • To launch the NES on Land Governance (NES) in Tanzania with an explanation of its components and opportunities.
  • To discuss, dialogue and knowledge sharing on National land policy review processes in Tanzania aimed to establish commitment among actors on how each one will support and play roles in implementation of NES Tanzania. 
  • To provide an opportunity for working group members to meet, provide updates and agree upon next action plans.

The NES launch will include presentations made by NES members and partners on initiatives currently underway in Tanzania and upon which the NES will build and incorporate. This includes the national land policy reform, and women’s land rights. The NES launch will be followed by planning meetings of the NES working groups i.e. one the Land-based Investment Working Group and the Rangelands Working Group


The event will bring together ILC members and partners including LBI and Rangelands working group members, District council and private sector. More than 50 participants will attend the launch.

Expected Deliverables  

  • A strengthened NES Tanzania
  • Awareness created among partners on NES Tanzania and National land policy reform in Tanzania
  • Commitments established by and roles defined of NES implementing organisations and partners as well as updated and revised work plans – LBI and Rangeland working groups

For more information contact Zakaria Faustin, z.faustin@tnrf.org

Wanyama Hotel
Sinza Mori
Dar es Salaam
Phone:+255 652 468 219
28 February 2017 - 8:00am to 1 March 2017 - 4:00pm

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