This paper is aimed at documenting conflicts, their respective link and economic trends of the Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) in Tanzania. The secondary review was conducted to identify type/categories of conflicts in each WMAs; t-test was used to determine the weather there was a significant difference between WMA with high and low number of conflicts; a two tailed pearsons correlation was used to find link of WMA conflicts with other socio-economic factors; the excel sheet was used to calculate selected income parameter. Results have exhibited that there is a statistically difference between WMA with high and low levels of conflicts; There is a positive relationship between number of conflict types and block fees; deviation distance from Dar es salaam and Arusha; and number of ethnic groups in respective WMA.However negative correlation has been recorded WMA administrative area; average income and the time (years) range between gazettement and establishment (Table 2).
The WMA with the highest average annual income reported (greater than 199,000$) are Ikona, Burunge and Enduimet (Table 3). The averagely annual earning WMAs (17,000-21,000$) are Mbarang’andu, Liwale and Makao WMAs (Table 3). The lowest average annual earners (less than 14,000$) are WamiMbiki, Tunduru and Uyumbu WMAs (Table 3). Download the link below