Channel: Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF)
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District Multi-Stakeholders Forum

Kilolo, Kilombero, Mvomero and Kilwa

Introduction of National Engagement Strategy(NES)

The National Engagement Strategy (NES) is a national strategy employed by Members of the International Land Coalition (ILC) that aims to promote People Centred Land Governance (PCLG), bringing about transformation in land governance at country level. The NES approach is to work towards two main outcomes: a) The setting-up of a multi-stakeholder platform on land governance for policy dialogue and knowledge sharing; and b) A country strategy for engagement on land governance developed and agreed upon by all actors involved. 

In Tanzania, the NES has three key components which are: (a) Coordination, Communication, Advocacy and Policy Dialogue implemented by TALA; (b) the Land-based Investments Component is coordinated by Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF); and (c) a Rangelands component is coordinated by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MALF) and the Parakuyo Indigenous Community Development Organisation (PAICODEO) and HELP Foundation (contact organisation being PAICODEO).


The District Multi-Stakeholder’s forum was conducted from 18th to 25th November 2017 in Iringa, Morogoro and Dar es Salaam.

Participants of this forum were from four different districts which are Kilolo, Mvomero, Kilombero and Kilwa.

Monitoring findings were presented to participants respectively. Participants were given overview of the State of Land-Based Investments in Tanzania: A Situational Analysis Report and monitoring findings which was done from 16th to 27th October 2017.

At each meeting participants provided further information and clarity on some findings and contributed views, opinions and recommendations about the findings for further actions and considerations. At the end of each meeting participants obtained knowledge on land based investment issues prevailing in respective district and on what to improve going forward.



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