The founding members of the Forum are Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF), Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), Agricultural Council of Tanzania (ACT), Action for Democracy and Local Governance (ADLG), East and Southern Africa Farmers Federation (ESAFF), Embuan Development Organization (EMUDEO), Environmental Management and Economic Development Organization (EMEDO), HakiArdhi, Illeje Environmental Conservation Association (IECA), INADES Formation, Kaengesa Environment Conservation Society (KAESO), Mazingira Network-Tanzania -MANET, MIICO, Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima (MVIWATA), Participatory Ecological Land Use Management(PELUM Tanzania ),Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania (PANITA) Pastoralist Indigenous Non-Governmental Organization Forum (PINGOs), Singida Youth Entrepreneur and Consultant Cooperation Society (SYECCOS), Tandahimba Farmers Association (TAFA) , Tanzania Federation of Cooperatives (TFC), Tanzania Gras Roots Oriented Development (TAGRODE), Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA), Chama cha Wafugaji Tanzania (CCWT), Tanzania Milk Processors Association (TAMPA), Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM), Tanzania Pastoralist and Hunter- Gatherer Organization (TAPHGO), Tanzania Pastoralist Community Forum (TPCF) Umoja wa Wabanguaji Korosho Ruagwa (WAKORU), Umoja wa wakulima wa matunda na mboga mboga Zanzibar-( UWAMWIMA) Victoria Farming and Fishing Organization (VIFAFO)
JUWAVITA is an outcome of long-term discussion on the need to strengthen engagement of small-scale rural producers and have a stronger voice on policy dialogue and decision-making platforms. Thus, the purpose is to provide a room for advocacy, lobbying and engagement of rural producers in policy dialogue and inclusive decision making on issues of their concern at local, sub national, national, regional, continental and global levels.