Channel: Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF)
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Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) is implementing Land Governance and Accountability Project with support from Welthaus Graz and DKA both based in Austria. In that regard, TNRF conducted land rights dialogue Meetings in Iringa and Chemba Districts from 31st 0ctober to 4th November, 2018. The Meetings brought together District Officials, Ward Executive Officers, Village Executive Officers, Village chairpersons, Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Land Right Monitors (LRMs), Pastoralists and Farmers Loose coalition representatives and Village land Councils’ members in both districts. The dialogue among other things related to the following:

  • Compensations related to distractions of properties caused by wild animals; this was a complaint in both Chemba and Iringa. Participants said, it takes a long time for the victims to get compensation, which is also inadequate. Villagers recommended for amendment of wildlife laws and policies to meet demands of the victims in relations to the extents of the destruction.
  • Village boundary conflicts; Participants admitted that, village boundary conflicts have been reduced due to improved land governance and accountability at local level. There still few persisting conflicts between villages which are under negotiations.  Kimande and Kisanga villages in Iringa are using elders to negotiate for solution of their boundary conflicts.  
  • Land governance at village level; unlike previous trainings on land laws and good governance, currently village government plans for their own development, develop and enforce their own made bylaws and properly manage village lands. Low attendance of villagers at the Village Assembly Meetings and inadequate ability of village land councils to undertake their duties are the challenges face these developments. In overcoming this, village leaders initiated sensa that involved passing by each house and list down the names of qualified members for Village Assemblies and passed bylaws for minimum charges on non-appearance at the Village Assembly. Also, informing hamlet leaders to invite their people has also been a best practice with good outcome on the number of participants.   
  • The work of Land Right Monitors (LRMs); Participants appreciated the work of LRMs in advising the village authorities and sensitizing on land rights especially for women. In Kimande village, Ms. Catherine Lunyungu (Village LRM) has been supporting implementation of the Land Tenure Assistance pilot project by the government where she has helped more than 57 women to get Certificates of Customary Right of Occupancy (CCRO). Also, she assisted a widow in the District Land and Housing Tribunal for Iringa where the court decided in her favour.   


Land Rights Monitors (LRM) are two village representatives (a man and a women) selected by villagers as monitors of land rights and good governance at village level. They have been trained as Trainers of trainees (TOT) to enable them perform their duties accordingly.


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