In the third conference 2019, TNRF Executive Director, Zakaria Faustin shared a paper titled “Formalizing the Benefits And Opportunities of Indigenous Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) for Good Governance, Improved Livelihoods, and Biodiversity Conservation In Sedentary and Mobile Communities In Tanzania and Selected Countries in West Africa”. The paper aimed to expedite the recognition of ICCAs at all levels by examining the available evidence on benefits, opportunities and the sustainability of ICCAs and the factors that influence their success, and share reasons behind the initiatives in relation to policy practices with intent to influence more support from policy makers in the conservation of their natural resources.
The Call for Actions from various groups consists of:
- Seeking the formalization from the State Judicial Systems of the role of traditional dispute
- resolution mechanisms and closer collaboration among traditional authorities, government and land administration institutions
- Providing technical and financial support to scale up the national-level-intervention
- Developing related laws and policies based on the evidence and experiences
- Enhancing the cooperation among stakeholders
Time: 25-29Th November 2019
Location: Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire