After a successful biophysical survey and verification process of the ecological data from four grazing clusters in Kiteto district, the technical team led by experts from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, National Land Use Planning Commission, Kiteto District Council, KINNAPA and Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) developed the first grazing land management plan framework to guide the communities in developing their own community driven approach to managing the grazing land resources for improved livestock production.
The framework was developed during meeting in Morogoro, which was held from 28th to 31st May, 2020. This is a legal requirement as per the Grazing land and Feeds Resources Act of 2010 and its regulation which makes it necessary for the technical team to evaluate and review all the necessary information which includes;
- Biophysical survey report
- Socio Economic report, and
- Demographic data amongst others to feed into the management plan framework.
The framework will be used by the four grazingland clusters of OLENGAPA, ALLOLE, KIMBO and NAPALAI where PRM is being piloted to develop their own management plans. Participatory Rangeland Management (PRM) is a four years project funded by EU to improve food and livelihoods security among pastoral communities in Kenya and Tanzania through optimal management of range resources. In Tanzania the project is being piloted in Kiteto District. The community will take full charge in the whole process to ensure ownership, sustainability and design their own monitoring system for rangelands condition and trend. This framework is in line with the existing laws and regulations like the Grazing land and Feeds Resources Act of 2010 among others.