Channel: Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF)
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On 10th and 11th November 2020, the Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) through Land Governance, Gender and Accountability project which is one among the project implemented by the organization conducted a training for Land Right Monitors (LRMs) from Kilosa and Kiteto districts at Kingsway way hotel in Morogoro. The training involved  LRMs selected in a meeting with Village leaders, community representatives, farmers and pastoralist representatives, religious leaders, village land council and ward tribunals members from Mbigiri, Mvumi, Mfulu, Mambegwa in Kilosa district and Kimana, Olpopon’g, Laalala and Ngabolo in Kiteto district. Land Right Monitors in this case involve the community representatives (Male and Female) who are democratically selected among community members and receive further training to be trainers of trainees (ToT) in the community.  Therefore, the training was attended by 14 LRMs where 6 were women.

This training aimed at sensitizing LRMs on land laws, women land rights, good governance, land conflicts resolution mechanisms and community engagement with other stakeholders for sustainable land and natural resources management for improved livelihood of communities.


During training session participants among other things pointed at denial of women to right on land control and ownership due to persisting discriminatory norms and traditions.

 Existing knowledge gap on land based investment and reversion of investment land to village land was said to be one of the causes of land conflicts in Kilosa district. This is also coupled with low knowledge on land laws and land conflicts resolution mechanisms.

Poor village governance and corruption also emerged as reasons for the land use conflicts causative. Village leaders allocating land without village Assembly approval was said to be intensifying the situation both in Kilosa and Kiteto districts.

It was therefore jointly and individually agreed through developed annual action plans that, LRMs will serve as ambassadors to both communities and local government leaders to improve land and natural resources governance for improved livelihood. This will involve downscaling the knowledge gained to their villages and neighboring areas.


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