This week from 6th to 10th May 2013, TNRF has organized training on pastoralism and rangeland production systems to representatives from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Local Government Authorities (LGAs) and local communities in Babati district. This training is part of the Pastoralist Program implemented jointly by CARE and TNRF. The training is aiming to equip sub-grantees under the programme, pastoral CSOs and local governments' authorities with skills to effectively implement the pastoral development projects. The training intends to realize the following objectives:
- To enable participants from implementing CSOs, LGAs and local leaders to define and internalize concept of pastoralism for better management of resources and livelihood.
- To equip participants with knowledge and skills on pastoral systems, policy analysis and advocacy.
- To familiarize participants with approaches and steps to follow when doing policy analysis and evidence-based advocacy at the local level.
- To enable the organizations in the training practice, integrating and accommodate pastoral systems into natural resources management initiatives in their respective localities for betterment of pastoral livelihoods.
- To enable participants understand the challenges in the pastoral livelihoods systems in Tanzania.