Climate change is a socio-economical issue around the world; its implications are increasing on food security and rural livelihoods thus access to sufficient food at the household level is decreasing. At the same time capabilities, assets and activities required to make a meaningful living are hindered; for instance, livelihood activities in rural areas such as farming are worse hurt by climate change. Responding to this situation, it is important that people especially the rural population are aware and have a good understanding on climate change, its impact and possibilities of sustainable livelihood.
To attain this, Tanzania Natural Resources Forum conducted an interactive meeting on Climate Change education and awareness to create understanding on impacts of climate change on food and livelihood security for the rural community of Karamba-Ndea and Kisiwani of Mwanga and Same Districts respectively with a total number of 80 participants. The meeting helped to strategize the mitigation measures that communities should adapt in efforts to build resilience as well as tackling impacts of Climate Change. This resulted from a site visit conducted at Same and Mwanga districts on 2th- 4th March 2021 touring all sites in the villages, for preparation and planning of BMZ Climate Facility project activities including climate change awareness and education.
The BMZ Climate Facility Project “Protection of key ecosystems, increased resilience, and adaptation for their sustainable use” is a project funded by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through WWF Germany in Partnership with Engagement Global. Project is being implemented in three WMAs- (Makao, Ikona and Enduimet) also extends to Mkomazi wildlife corridor and Lake Natron Ecosystem.