The holistic approach to rangeland management is a key to improving grazing resources for pastoral communities in the rangelands of Tanzania. Most of the rangeland challenges are related to are invasive species dominating some of the secured grazing lands and tsetse flies in most of the potential rangeland. Participatory Rangeland Management (PRM) project coordinated by TNRF in Tanzania supported the pastoral communities to identify and implement strategic interventions to improve the productivity of rangelands.
On 23rd Nov 2021, PRM National Technical Working Group (NTWG) had a meeting with members from the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, National Land Use Planning Commission, Manyara, and Arusha Regional Secretariat, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), District Councils of Kiteto, Simanjiro and Longido, field project partners including Ujamaa Community Resource Trust (UCRT) and KINNAPA at TNRF offices to assess and approve Community Rangelands Investment Fund (CRIF) project proposed by the communities from Ruvuremit and Lesingita clusters of Simanjiro and Longido districts respectively. In the Ruvuremit cluster, the approved interventions by the NTWG are removal of the invasive species and tsetse flies control which is limiting livestock movement to those grazing areas. In the Lesingita cluster, the meeting approved community investment projects on bush clearance through the removal of invasive species, scaling up of pasture demonstration plot, and renovation of the cattle dip. These interventions will culminate in improved rangelands productivity for livestock production and address the impacts of invasive species and disease control in rangeland for improved pasture production within the clusters.