Both The Guardian and the Citizen have reported on the high-level Development Partner Group meeting on the Environment (DPGE) that was hosted in Dar es Salaam last week. The meeting was significant because it provided space for the Government of Tanzania to voice their priority environmental concerns to DPGE. Being the only CSO invited to attend, TNRF was fortunate to have an inside look and to lend a civil society perspective to the discussion.
"A lot of discussion focused on many of the natural resource challenges we face today - such as climate change," says Alais Morindat, Project Coordinator for TNRF's Climate Change Adaptation Program. "But there was also a lot of attention given to post-Rio+20 and green economy issues, and opinions were shared about how DPGEs can best support Tanzania in sustainable, green development."
The meeting also brought up the forthcoming Africa Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) Civil Society Workshop that will take place in Arusha from 7th to 9th September 2012. The purpose of the meeting is to enable civil society actors from Africa participate in a dialogue aimed at taking stock of Rio+20 Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and charting a common Civil Society position in the approaching COP 18 to be held in Doha, Qatar and beyond. TNRF will also participate in this event.
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