As a strategy to strengthen and sustain operations of WMAs to improve wildlife conservation through increased patrols, addressing human wildlife conflicts, and addressing negative impacts of climate change, TNRF through BMZ climate facility project titled: “Improved protection of key ecosystems and increased climate change resilience of local communities in South East Africa”, is supporting construction of two offices one in Enduimet and the other in Makao WMA. In addition, the two range posts will be constructed in MAKAO while in Enduimet information centre and tourists hostel will be renovated to add into revenue streams for the WMA.
From 24th -27th January, 2021, TNRF in collaboration with respective district engineers and District Game Officers, WMA management and consulting architects, made sites reconnaissance in both Makao and Enduimet WMA to finalize architectural and layouts drawings for the construction activities. The team made visit to TingaTinga for construction of Enduimet offices and Information centre, Olmolog for hostels renovation in Longido District. In Makao WMA the team visited Mwagundo for office construction then SAPA and Shughushi for rangerposts.
The project is funded by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Tanzania Country Office to implement some of activities within Climate change adaptation support for community managed areas (CBNRM) project aiming at supporting Protection of key ecosystems, increased resilience and adaptation for sustainable use by local communities in Enduimet, Ikona, Makao and Lake Natron Wildlife Management Areasand two additional project sites in Mwanga and Same districts Districts