Channel: Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF)
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Through the survey conducted by TNRF it was observed that Kilosa District has history of resource related conflicts especially on land tenure security. These conflicts are caused by social, economic and political factors and brought tension between land users i.e farmers and pastoralists and communities and investors. To address the challenge TNRF adopted lesson learnt and best practices from Iringa rural and Chemba District where project was implemented before scaled up to Kilosa and Kiteto Districts.

What have been done in Kilosa District

TNRF together with Kilosa District officials conducted number of activities on community’s sensitization on land governance and management of Natural Resources such as Training of village leaders and election of Land right monitors, training of Land Right Monitors. From 1st to 5th February, 2021 the team conducted public debate and mobile legal aid in four villages: Mambegwa, Mbigiri, Mvumi and Mfulu training based on land laws, disputes resolution mechanisms, women land right, administration system at village level and later on the legal aid was provided to individual with land related issues.


During the implementation of mentioned activity, number of issues were observed such as,

  • Farmers and pastoralist conflict who fight over pastures and water,
  • Poor administration system: village leaders are un accountable in summoning village assembly  after every three months as per law,
  • Absence of  conflict solving instrument at village and  ward  level: emphases  made on the use of organ found in village level to address land conflict because other stages are costly and English  language is a barrier,
  • Double selling of land: community lack knowledge of land laws consequently, they don’t know what to be done when they are about to sell or buy land,
  • Conflicts between communities and investors: communities claimed to be landless due to investors who monopolize their land.

What to be done

Moving forward, the mentioned villages in Kilosa District, need more trainings on land laws and harmonious use of natural resource to avoid land conflicts. 


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