In Same District the TNRF team was able to meet both the District Commissioner (DC) and the District Executive Director (DED), to discuss about the project as well as the impacts it will have on the District. In the discussion with the Hon. Rosemary Staki Senyamule, (Same DC) she acknowledged that due to climate change there is increased cases in human wildlife conflicts and visible environmental destructions. As for the DED, Dr Anastasia Tutuba, she wanted to know how the project was going to be implemented, and how long it will take for the proposed dam to be finished. Her concerns were addressed by the Project Officer by giving the updated status of the project and the progress.
In the District of Mwanga, the team met with the District Tanzania Forest Services Agency (TFS) Head; Mr. Andambike Mgogo, who emphasized on environmental management as a way for the society to combat the effects of climate change. He suggested establishment of environmental clubs that will be responsible for planting trees, also the use of participatory forest managements by the community.
In both districts; the team managed to visit the Wards of Kisiwani and Toloa respectively where the dams will be constructed to help the communities in Climate Resilience. The TNRF team also met with village leaders to discuss the preparation and planning of a Climate Change training. In the discussion, criteria of participants was established and the list of the selected personnel was agreed to be shared before actual start of the training.
The visit was successful in both Districts and each official promised to provide support to the implementation of the project which is being implemented in 4 countries including Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Kenya. The project is funded by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through WWF Germany in Partnership with Engagement Global. In Tanzania the project is being implemented by WWF Tanzania in collaboration with TNRF.