Call for proposal
Terms of Reference (ToR): Facilitating Education and awareness raising of population in Climate change impact, adaptation and mitigation; and development of Climate change strategy in 3 WMAs
Facilitate community education and awareness Lake Natron, Mkomazi wildlife corridors (Mwanga and Same districts), development of climate change adaptation strategy, action plans and adoption of the approved plans in Enduimet, Ikona and Makao WMAs.
Position: Facilitator
Start Date: Immediately for a period of 3 weeks
Coverage Area: Northern Tanzania Enduimet, Ikona, Makao, Lake Natron WMAs and Mkomazi Wildlife Corridor.
Reporting To: TNRF Executive Director through BMZ Project Lead at TNRF
Project Name: Protection of key ecosystems, increased resilience and adaptation for their sustainable use by local communities in southeast Africa
Reference Number: Project ID P5534
Deadline: 26th March, 2021
Project Overview
The project is implemented with WWF Tanzania and Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) as a partner. The main objective of project is addressed by the following four concrete project outputs and corresponding packages of measures focussing on the Enduimet, Ikona, Makao and Lake Natron Wildlife Management Areas and two additional project sites in Mwanga and Same districts.
- Capacities of community conservation and management areas are strengthened to effectively improve their climate resilience and adaptation and effective protection of their biodiversity and ecosystems
- Capacities of communities for implementing climate-smart approaches are improved and household incomes diversified leads to improved livelihoods and well-being of the communities in the selected community conservation areas
- Capacities for improved forest, fire and pasture land management improves the climate resilience of key ecological and economic habitats enhanced
- Environmental and social safeguards (ESS) in relation to climate adaptation and project activities established.
TNRF is looking facilitator to submit proposals to:
- Development of 3 climate change adaptation and mitigation strategy and action plans for the community conservation areas (WMAs) Enduimet, Makao and Ikona
- Conduct Education and awareness raising of population in climate change impact, adaptation and mitigation in the Enduimet WMA (Longido), Ikona WMA (Serengeti), Makao WMAs (Meatu), and Lake Natron WMAs (Longido) and the Mkomazi corridor in Same and Mwanga districts. The awareness to cover not less than 80 participate in each district and WMAs (Mwanga, Same, IKONA, Makao, and Enduiment)
- Facilitate adoption of the climate change adaptation and mitigation strategy and action plans with the community conservation area leadership of Enduimet, Ikona, Makao WMAs.
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